February Highlights: Better local search, new onboarding experience, and more
Product News
Hello and welcome to the February round-up of product updates. While we’re still basking from the success of our first user summit Harmony, we’re getting ready for Spring with some new product updates.
Introducing Flows & Annotations
We launched Flows & Annotations a few weeks ago, helping to better communicate design intention and user journeys. Designers can now easily connect screens in seconds and map complete user journeys. Developers gain clarity on the overall design, with visibility into all possible paths and behaviors. In case you missed it, here’s a video from the product launch.
Better local search
The next time you search for screens in a project or projects in a workspace, you’ll also see the name of the sections that contain your search results.Plus, we improved local search logic, and added support for persistent search queries to make it easier for you to find what you’re looking for.

New onboarding experience through Figma plugin
This month, we released a new onboarding experience for designers connecting to Zeplin for the first time through the Figma plugin. Once they set up a sample project with their current designs, they will be guided through key steps like adding team members, learning how to organize their workspace, and adding rich details to comments (with images, markdown, and code snippets). They will also learn how to navigate versions with commit messages and set up Jira and Slack integrations.
Zeplin is a friendly place for everyone, and this update makes it easy for your teammates to learn how to publish, organize, and clarify designs for handoff.

Stay tuned: We’re extending this onboarding experience to users in other design tools — with a sample project containing built-in flows and annotations to experiment with!
Small but mighty updates
We also pushed out several improvements to make your everyday workflows easier. Take a look!
Real-time status page: You can now check any planned downtime or maintenance windows on the new status page. Subscribe for real-time updates.
Improving load times for large workspaces: Load times are now much faster for workspaces with hundreds of projects. Next up: workspaces with over 1500 projects!
Actual size displayed in Auto Layout: Developers referencing auto layout specs can now see the actual size(width, height) of the element or frame displayed in the info panel.
Updates to Sections: You can now collapse and expand sections all sections at once — with a right click on the macOS app, and through the section menu in the web app. If a section linked to Jira is moved, the link remains connected in the attached Jira issue(no longer disappears).
We hope these enhancements help you and your teams get the most out of Zeplin, so you can deliver beautiful experiences to your customers in faster time. Send us your suggestions and comments, we’re always listening!
That’s all for February, see you next month!